Source: temp/jsdocinputdirs/cercalia.control.drag.js

 * @classdesc
 * Default control for dragging. Selecting this control,
 * all other controls will be disabled. * 
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} opt_options
 * @extends {ol.control.Control}
cercalia.Control.Drag = function(opt_options) {
	 * @private
	 * @type {string} 
	this.name_ = cercalia.MapControls.DragControl;
	 * Class name
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.CLASS_NAME_ = "cercalia.Control.Drag";
	 * Button
	 * @private
	 * @type {Object}
	this.element_ = null;
	var options = opt_options || {};
	this.element_ = document.createElement('div');
	//this.element_.href = '#CercaliaControlDragControl';
	this.element_.className = "cercalia-big-icon cercalia-control cercalia-control-dragControl";

	cercalia.jQuery(this.element_).button({icons: {primary:"cercalia-big-icon cercalia-big-icon-hand", secondary: "" }, text: false }).attr("title", cercalia.i18n._("TOOLTIP_DRAG"));
	var self = this;
	var enableDragControl = function(e) {
	this.element_.addEventListener('click', enableDragControl, false);	
ol.inherits(cercalia.Control.Drag, ol.control.Control);

 * Create the button in the tools topbar
 * @private 
 * @param {string} idTopBar Div element ID where the control will be embedded
cercalia.Control.Drag.prototype.setTopBar = function (idTopBar) {
	var self = this;, {
	    element: self.element_,
	    target: document.getElementById(idTopBar)