Namespace: service


Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Description
callbackFunction function | undefined <optional>

Callback function when selecting autocomplete element.

onInputFunction function | undefined <optional>

Callback function when user is typing in text input.

inputId function | undefined <optional>

<input type="text"> element ID where create the Autocomplete. Mandatory.

hnrt boolean | undefined <optional>

Apply a tolerance in house number ranges. Cercalia suggest search prioritize address that contains the house numbers searched. This parameters lets you apply a tolerance in the house numbers ranges available in the database (+/-50 numbers in general, and +/- 500 in USA), in order to avoid some gaps in this database. Values:
false: don’t apply. Default value
true: apply

searchInsideCountry string | undefined <optional>

Autocomplete search inside a country (3 characters ISO code), for exemple: ESP. Default value null (all countries).

searchInsideRegion string | undefined <optional>

Autocomplete search inside a region (Country ISO code + Region code), for exemple: ESPMAD or several regions, for example: ESPCAT,ESPMAD,ESPVAL. Please, contact with Nexus if you need to know region codes.

searchInsideProvince string | undefined <optional>

Autocomplete search inside a province (Country ISO code + Province code), for exemple: ESP08 (Barcelona), ESP17 (Girona) or several provinces, for example: ESP08,ESP17. Please, contact with Nexus if you need to know province codes.

searchInsideMunicipality string | undefined <optional>

Autocomplete search inside a municipality (Country ISO code + Province code), for exemple: ESP410917 (Sevilla), ESP502973 (Zaragoza) or several municipality, for example: ESP08,ESP17. Please, contact with Nexus if you need to know municipality codes.

searchInsideLocality string | undefined <optional>

Autocomplete search inside a locality for exemple: ESP17240205565747 (Barcelona), ESP17240205565484 (Badalona) or several localities, for example: ESP17240205565747,ESP17240205565484. Please, contact with Nexus if you need to know locality codes.

searchClosestHouseNumber boolean | undefined <optional>

Search closest real house number in suggest. Default: false.

searchFilterEntity string | undefined <optional>

Set filter by municipality / region / subregion / country (by entity code). You can mix that entities. Examples:

searchPriorityEntity string | undefined <optional>

Set preferred municipality / region / subregion / country (by entity code). This filter, prioritizes the results that are in the specified regions above the other candidates, but does not eliminate the results from other regions or countries. This filter can be combined with the "csr" filter for maximum results filter beyond the preferred. Example: ESPVAL. In case you need to prioritize candidates in the list of preferred regions, the regions may be separated by parameters according to priority level: first element: maximum priority, second element: second level priority, etc
['ESP170792', 'AND', 'ESP,FRA'].


Name Type Description
calculateGeometry Boolean

Specify if you need to obtain the shape geometry when calculating the distance. For weight=='line' this option is not avaliable.

destination cercalia.LonLat


origin cercalia.LonLat


steps Array.<cercalia.LonLat>

Sequential stop list.

weight string

Distance calculation considering weight/type (line|time|distance|money|undefined). Default value line.


Name Type Argument Description
name string | undefined <optional>

Name filter (locn).

countryId string | undefined <optional>

Country code filter (ctryc).

country string | undefined <optional>

Country name filter (ctryn).

regionId string | undefined <optional>

Region code filter (regc).

region string | undefined <optional>

Region name filter (regn).

subregionId string | undefined <optional>

Subregion code filter (subregc).

subregion string | undefined <optional>

Subregion name filter (subregn).

subOrRegion string | undefined <optional>

Region & Subregion name filter (rsn).

municipalityId string | undefined <optional>

Municipality code filter (munc).

municipality string | undefined <optional>

Municipality name filter (munn).

cityId string | undefined <optional>

City code filter (ctc).

city string | undefined <optional>

City name filter (ctn).

postalCode string | undefined <optional>

Postal Code filter, requires country code (pcode).

address string | undefined <optional>

Address filter, including house number.

streetId string | undefined <optional>

Street code filter.

street string | undefined <optional>

Street name filter.

street2 string | undefined <optional>

Second street name filter, for intersection search between main street and second street.

street2Id string | undefined <optional>

Second street code filter, for intersection search between main street and second street.

housenumber number | undefined <optional>

House number filter.

roadId string | undefined <optional>

Road code filter.

roadName string | undefined <optional>

Road name filter.

km number | undefined <optional>

Mile marker filter (only for roads).

fullSearch string | undefined <optional>

Resolves all the candidate parameters (fullsearch).

numCand number | undefined <optional>

Maximum number of candidates per page (numcand).

posCand string | undefined <optional>

First candidate position, starting from 0 (poscand).

num number | undefined <optional>

Maximum number of candidates (num).

poicat string | undefined <optional>

List of Points of Interest - POIs (poicat).

poiId string | undefined <optional>

POI code filter (poic).

poiName string | undefined <optional>

POI name filter (poiname).


Name Type Argument Description
countryId string | undefined <optional>

Country code filter (ctryc)

country string | undefined <optional>

Country name filter (ctryn)

regionId string | undefined <optional>

Region code filter (regc)

region string | undefined <optional>

Region name filter (regn)

subregionId string | undefined <optional>

Subregion code filter (subregc)

subregion string | undefined <optional>

Subregion name filter (subregn)

subOrRegion string | undefined <optional>

Region and Subregion name filter (rsn)

municipalityId string | undefined <optional>

Municipality code filter (munc)

municipality string | undefined <optional>

Municipality name filter (munn)

cityId string | undefined <optional>

Town code filter (ctc)

city string | undefined <optional>

Town name filter (ctn)

postalCode string | undefined <optional>

Postal code filter (pcode)

streetId string | undefined <optional>

Street code filter (stc)

street string | undefined <optional>

Street name filter (stn)

housenumber number | undefined <optional>

House number filter (stnum)

address string | undefined <optional>

Street name filter with house number

position cercalia.LonLat | undefined <optional>

Position of center to calculate isochrone request.

weight string | undefined <optional>

Type of search value. Possible values distance or time. Default value distance

inverse boolean | undefined <optional>

If false, the calculation is from the center to outside. If true, the calculation is from outside to the center. Default value false.

method string | undefined <optional>

Calculation method. Por defecto: convexhull or concavehull. Default value convexhull.

isolevels number | string

Value, or incremental values list used for isochrone calculation (meters or miliseconds). Ex: 10000, 5000,10000,20000.


Name Type Argument Description
destination cercalia.LonLat | cercaliax.service.RoutingStep

Destination coordinates.

lang string

Report language (only if report=true).

mindist boolean | undefined <optional>

Minimum substage distance, in meters (default value 1000). The larger this distance , the smaller the number of substages.

origin cercalia.LonLat | cercaliax.service.RoutingStep

Origin coordinates.

reorder boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if you want to reorder or not the route stops, to get the faster/shorter route. Maximum 10 stop points.

report boolean | undefined <optional>

Get the textual route report (if not, gets a faster response). Default 0.

steps Array.<cercalia.LonLat> | Array.<cercaliax.service.RoutingStep> | undefined <optional>

Array with stop points coordinates (optional).

tolerance number | undefined <optional>

Route geometry generalization, in meters (if =0, returns the original geometry). Default value, 5 (meters).

toll boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if you need to get the toll roads cost for the route. Currently only avaliable for Spain, Portugal and Andorra.

weight string | undefined <optional>

Route type: time (faster), distance (shorter), money (toll free route). Default value: time.

vweight number | undefined <optional>

Total maximum weight.

vaxleweight number | undefined <optional>

Maximum axle weight.

vheight number | undefined <optional>

Maximum height.

vlength number | undefined <optional>

Maximum length.

vwidth number | undefined <optional>

Maximum width.

vmaxvel number | undefined <optional>

Maximum speed.

trstart number | undefined <optional>

Restriction by date.


Name Type Argument Description
bounds cercalia.Bounds | undefined <optional>

Bounds to search categories inside

buffer number | undefined <optional>
categories Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

List of categories to obtain. The 'pois' option must be null.

gridsize string | undefined <optional>
height number | undefined <optional>

Height in píxels.

pois Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

POIs IDs list to obtain. If this option is included, the categories property will be ignored. Does not apply any other constructor options.

searchByScale Boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if you need to group POIs depending on parameters: bounds, width and height.

width number | undefined <optional>

Width, in píxels.

wkt string | undefined <optional>

Get all the POIs from selected categories, that intersects a polygon, in WKT format


Name Type Argument Description
name string | undefined <optional>

Name filter (locn).

countryId string | undefined <optional>

Country code filter (ctryc).

country string | undefined <optional>

Country name filter (ctryn).

regionId string | undefined <optional>

Region code filter (regc).

region string | undefined <optional>

Region name filter (regn).

subregionId string | undefined <optional>

Subregion code filter (subregc).

subregion string | undefined <optional>

Subregion name filter (subregn).

subOrRegion string | undefined <optional>

Region & Subregion name filter (rsn).

municipalityId string | undefined <optional>

Municipality code filter (munc).

municipality string | undefined <optional>

Municipality name filter (munn).

cityId string | undefined <optional>

City code filter (ctc).

city string | undefined <optional>

City name filter (ctn).

postalCode string | undefined <optional>

Postal Code filter, requires country code (pcode).

streetId string | undefined <optional>

Street code filter.

street string | undefined <optional>

Street name filter.

street2 string | undefined <optional>

Second street name filter, for intersection search between main street and second street.

street2Id string | undefined <optional>

Second street code filter, for intersection search between main street and second street.

housenumber number | undefined <optional>

House number filter.

roadId string | undefined <optional>

Road code filter.

roadName string | undefined <optional>

Road name filter.

km number | undefined <optional>

Mile marker filter (only for roads).

fullSearch string | undefined <optional>

Resolves all the candidate parameters (fullsearch).

numCand number | undefined <optional>

Maximum number of candidates per page (numcand).

posCand string | undefined <optional>

First candidate position, starting from 0 (poscand).

num number | undefined <optional>

Maximum number of candidates (num).

wkt string | undefined <optional>

Reference geometry.

srs string | undefined <optional>

Coordinates reference system.

x number | undefined <optional>

X coordinate central reference.

y number | undefined <optional>

Y coordinate central reference.

rqge string | undefined <optional>

Geo-entity level (adr,st,ct,mun,subreg,reg,ctry).

rqpoicats Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

Array of POIs categories.

infoxml string | undefined <optional>

If a numeric value other than 0 is specified, it returns XML information associated with the Point of Interest.

weight string | undefined <optional>

Optional. Proximity with real route distance. Values: time, distance, money.

inverse boolean | undefined <optional>

Optional. Can be true or false. With a false value, the distances are calculated from the reference to the target. With a true value, the distances are calculated from the references to the targets. The default is false.

mos Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

List of coordinates (type MO).

rad number | undefined <optional>

Maximum search radius (direct distance).


Name Type Argument Description
destination cercalia.LonLat | cercaliax.service.RoutingStep

Destination coordinates.

lang string

Report language (only if report=true).

mindist boolean | undefined <optional>

Minimum substage distance, in meters (default value 1000). The larger this distance , the smaller the number of substages.

origin cercalia.LonLat | cercaliax.service.RoutingStep

Origin coordinates.

reorder boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if you want to reorder or not the route stops, to get the faster/shorter route. Maximum 10 stop points.

report boolean | undefined <optional>

Get the textual route report (if not, gets a faster response). Default 0.

steps Array.<cercalia.LonLat> | Array.<cercaliax.service.RoutingStep> | undefined <optional>

Array with stop points coordinates (optional).

tolerance number | undefined <optional>

Route geometry generalization, in meters (if =0, returns the original geometry). Default value, 5 (meters).

toll boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if you need to get the toll roads cost for the route. Currently only avaliable for Spain, Portugal and Andorra.

weight string | undefined <optional>

Route type: time (faster), distance (shorter), money (toll free route). Default value: time.


Name Type Argument Description
streetId string | undefined <optional>

Street ID.
For example: Avinguda Diagonal (Barcelona) => ESP080193000092155

streetNum number | undefined <optional>

House number

cityId string | undefined <optional>

City ID.
For example: Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) => ESP17240205552994

municipalityId string | undefined <optional>

Municipality ID. P.e: Madrid => ESP280796