Source: temp/jsdocinputdirs/cercalia.label.js

 * @classdesc
 * Marker label. You can personalize the color, text type, position, etc... 
 * @constructor
 * @param {cercaliax.LabelOptions} options Label options
cercalia.Label = function(options) {

	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	this.id_ = 'CercaliaLabel_id_' + + (Math.random()*0xffffffff|0);

	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	this.text_ = options.text? options.text : '';
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	this.color_ = options.color? options.color : '';
     * @type {string}
     * @private
    this.background_ = options.background ? options.background : ''; 
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @private
	this.fontWeight_ = options.fontWeight ? options.fontWeight : false;
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @private
	this.lightLabel_ = options.lightLabel ? options.lightLabel : false;
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @private
	this.show_ = || true: false;
	 * @type {number}
	 * @private
	this.offsetX_ = options.offsetX||options.offsetX==0 ? options.offsetX : null;
	 * @type {number}
	 * @private
	this.offsetY_ = options.offsetY||options.offsetY==0 ? options.offsetY : null;
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	this.icon_ = options.icon ? options.icon : null;
	 * @type {number}
	 * @private
	this.iconWidth_ = options.iconWidth||options.iconWidth==0 ? options.iconWidth : 15;
	 * @type {number}
	 * @private
	this.iconHeight_ = options.iconHeight||options.iconHeight==0 ? options.iconHeight : 15;

	 * @type {cercalia.Marker}
	 * @private
	this.marker_ = null;
	 * @type {ol.Overlay}
	 * @private
	this.overlay_ = null;
	 * @private
	 * @type {Element}
	this.element_ = null;
	 * Class name
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.CLASS_NAME_ = "cercalia.Label";



 * initializes the HTML label fragment. Also modify the styles depending on the label options
 * @private
cercalia.Label.prototype.initializeLabel_ = function(){
	var htmlElement;

	var divWrapStyle = 	(this.show_?'display:table;':'display:none;')
	var strStyle = 	 (this.color_?'color:'+this.color_+';':'')
	var classLabel = this.lightLabel_?'cercalia-lightlabel':'cercalia-label';
	var htmlIcon = '';
		var htmlIcon = this.createImg_();
	htmlElement = cercalia.jQuery('<div id="div_wrap_label_'+this.id_+'" class="'+classLabel+'" style="' + divWrapStyle + '" > ' 
									+ htmlIcon 
									+ ' <div id="'+this.id_+'" class="cercalia-text-label" style="'+strStyle+'">'+this.text_+'</div>'
									+ ' </div>');

	this.overlay_ = new ol.Overlay({
		element: htmlElement
	this.element_ = this.overlay_.getElement();

 * Change label text
 * @param {string} text
cercalia.Label.prototype.setText = function(text){
	document.getElementById(this.id_).innerHTML = text;

 * @return {string} Label text
cercalia.Label.prototype.getText = function(){
	return this.text_;

 * @return {string} src image icon
cercalia.Label.prototype.getIcon = function(){
	return this.icon_;

 * @param {string} src image icon
cercalia.Label.prototype.setIcon = function(icon){
	this.icon_ = icon;
	if(icon == null){return this.removeIcon();}
	var img = document.getElementById("icon_label_" + this.id_);
	if(img == null){
		var wrap = cercalia.jQuery("#div_wrap_label_" + this.id_);
			var htmlIcon = this.createImg_();
		img.src = this.icon_;

 * remove Icon if exist
cercalia.Label.prototype.removeIcon = function(){
	var img = cercalia.jQuery("icon_label_" + this.id_);
	if(img != null){
	//posem defould value

 * @return {number} get height icon, defould 15
cercalia.Label.prototype.getIconHeight = function(){
	return this.iconHeight_;

 * @return {number} get width icon, defould 15
cercalia.Label.prototype.getIconWidth = function(){
	return this.iconWidth_;

 * @param {number} height
cercalia.Label.prototype.setIconHeight = function(height){
	height = height == null ? 0 : height;
	this.iconHeight_ = height;
	var img = document.getElementById("icon_label_" + this.id_);
	if(img != null){
		img.height = this.iconHeight_;

 * @param {number} width
cercalia.Label.prototype.setIconWidth = function(width){
	width = width == null ? 0 : width;
	this.iconWidth_ = width;
	var img = document.getElementById("icon_label_" + this.id_);
	if(img != null){
		img.width = this.iconWidth_;

 * Show the label
 */ = function(){
	this.show_ = true;
	if(this.element_) {

 * Hide the label
cercalia.Label.prototype.hide = function(){
	this.show_ = false;
	if(this.element_) {

 * @return {boolean} if popup is opened or not. Values: `true` or `false`. 
cercalia.Label.prototype.isOpen = function(){
	return this.show_;

 * @param {cercalia.Marker} marker
cercalia.Label.prototype.setMarker = function(marker){
	this.marker_ = marker;

	var position = this.marker_.getPosition();
	var projectionCode = marker.getMap() ? marker.getMap().getProjectionCode() : 'EPSG:3857'; 
	this.overlay_.setPosition(ol.proj.transform([position.getLon(), position.getLat()], 'EPSG:4326', projectionCode));

 * Change label position.
 * @param {cercalia.LonLat} position
 * @param {string} projectionCode
cercalia.Label.prototype.setPosition = function (position, projectionCode) {
	this.overlay_.setPosition(ol.proj.transform([position.getLon(), position.getLat()], 'EPSG:4326', projectionCode?projectionCode:'EPSG:3857'));

 * @return {ol.Overlay} OpenLayers3 <a href="">`ol.Overlay`</a> Objet.
cercalia.Label.prototype.getOverlay = function(){
	return this.overlay_;

 * Remove the label.
cercalia.Label.prototype.destroy = function(){

	for (var key in this) {
		delete this[key];

 * @return {string} ClassName.
cercalia.Label.prototype.getClass = function(){
	return this.CLASS_NAME_;

 * @private
 * @returns {String}
cercalia.Label.prototype.createImg_ = function(){
	return '<img id="icon_label_'+this.id_+'" class="cercalia-img-label" src="' + this.icon_ + '" height="' + this.iconHeight_ + '" width="' + this.iconWidth_ + '">';