Source: temp/jsdocinputdirs/cercalia.service.pois.js

 * POIs service constructor.
 * Use this class for getting POIs specifying the IDs, or getting a POI list from an area (WKT or map bounds (cercalia.Bounds)) 
 * and the POI category
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {cercaliax.service.PoisOptions} options Opciones Geocoding
cercalia.service.Pois = function(options) {
	options = options ? options : {};
	 * Class name
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.CLASS_NAME_ = "cercalia.service.Pois";
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.cercaliaKey_ = cercaliaGlobals.key;	//Esta variable siempre se pasara al descargar la API
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.server_ = servers.servlet;

	 * @private
	 * @type {Array.<string>}
	this.pois_ = options.pois ? options.pois : []; 

	 * @private
	 * @type {Array.<string>}
	this.categories_ = options.categories ?  options.categories : [];
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.wkt_ = options.wkt ? options.wkt : null; 

	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.buffer_ = options.buffer ? options.buffer : null;
	 * @private
	 * @type {cercalia.Bounds}
	this.bounds_ = options.bounds ? options.bounds : null;
	 * @private
	 * @type {boolean}
	this.searchByScale_ = options.searchByScale ? options.searchByScale : false;  
	 * @private
	 * @type {number}
	this.width_ = options.width ? options.width : null; 

	 * @private
	 * @type {number}
	this.height_ = options.height ? options.height : null;
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.gridsize_ = options.gridsize ? options.gridsize : null; 
     * @private
     * @type {Object}
    this.lastXhr_ = null;
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.response_ = null;

 * Returns the POIs list 
 * @return {Array.<string>} Returns a POI IDs array
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getQueryPois = function() {
	return this.pois_;

 * Set the POIs list to search.
 * @param {Array.<string>} pois POIs ID list, in an array
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setQueryCategories = function(categories) {
	this.categories_ = categories;

 * Returns the POIs categories to search 
 * @return {Array.<string>} categories list string
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getQueryCategories = function() {
	return this.categories_;

 * Set the POIs categories to search.
 * @param {Array.<string>} categories categories list string
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setQueryPois = function(categories) {
	this.categories_ = categories;

 * Returns the map area corresponding to the spatial query. The format is WKT
 * @return {Array.<string>} Geometria WKT (string)
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getWkt = function() {
	return this.wkt_;

 * Set the polygon for the spatial query. String WKT format
 * If spatial query use a WKT, the map bounds will be ignored and must be reset next time
 * @param {Array.<string>} wkt WKT geometry
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setWkt = function(wkt) {
	this.bounds_ = null;
	this.wkt_ = wkt;

 * Returns the WKT of the spatial query
 * @return {cercalia.LonLat} Coordinate
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getBounds = function() {
	return this.bounds_;

 * Set the polygon for the spatial query. String WKT format.
 * If spatial query use map bounds, the WKT will be ignored and must be reset next time
 * @param {cercalia.LonLat} wkt WKT string
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {
	this.wkt_ = null;
	this.bounds_ = bounds;

cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.clearResponse = function(){
	this.response_ = null;

 * Returns the response with the 'geocode' function request
 * @return {Object} response
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getResponse = function() {
	return this.response_;

 * @param {boolean} searchByScale
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setSearchbyScale = function(searchByScale) {
	this.searchByScale_ = searchByScale;

 * @return {boolean} boolean that shows if POIs by scale search is used
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.isSearchbyScale = function() {
	return this.searchByScale_;

 * @return {number} width
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getWidth = function() {
	return this.width_;

 * @param {number} width
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setWidth = function(width) {
	this.width_ = width;

 * @return {number} height
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getHeigth = function() {
	return this.height_;

 * @param {number} height
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setHeight = function(height) {
	this.height_ = height;

 * @return {number} gridsize
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getGridsize = function() {
	return this.gridsize_;

 * @param {number} gridsize
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.setGridsize = function(gridsize) {
	this.gridsize_ = gridsize;

 * Execute the server request and the callback function to be processed with the response
 * @param {Function} callbackFn Funcion callback
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.doPoisRequest = function(callbackFn) {

	//Si buscamos por categoria
	if( this.categories_.length > 0 ) {
		//Queremos obtener por extension (extent o bounds)
		if( this.bounds_ ) {

			var pointNW = this.bounds_.getNorthWest();
			var pointSE = this.bounds_.getSouthEast();
			var extTopLeft = pointNW.getLat() + "," + pointNW.getLon();
			var extBottomRight = pointSE.getLat() + "," + pointSE.getLon();

			//Obtener todos los POIs acorde a una extension. Sin limitarlos dependiendo la escala
			//Puede devolver error del servidor (o tardar mucho en caso que se devuelvan demasiados).
			if(!this.searchByScale_) {
				var params = {
						cmd		 	: 'pois', 
						key 	 	: this.cercaliaKey_,
						searchIn 	: 'bounds',
						getpoicats	: this.categories_.join(","),
						extent	 	: extTopLeft + "|" + extBottomRight
				this.ajaxQuery_(params, callbackFn);
			//Devuelve una cantidad de POIs acorde con la extension. 
			} else {
				var params = {
						cmd		 	: 'pois', 
						key 	 	: this.cercaliaKey_,
						searchIn 	: 'bounds',
						gpoicats	: this.categories_.join(","),
						extent	 	: extTopLeft + "|" + extBottomRight,
						width		: this.width_,
						height		: this.height_
					params.gridsize = this.gridsize_;
				this.ajaxQuery_(params, callbackFn);
		//Devuelve todos los POIs de las categorias especificadas que se encuentran dentro un poligono (wkt)
		} else if ( this.wkt_ ) {
			var params = {
					key		 	: this.cercaliaKey_,
					cmd		 	: 'pois', 
					searchIn 	: 'wkt',
					getpoicats	: this.categories_.join(","),
					wkt			: this.wkt_
				params.buffer = this.buffer_;
			this.ajaxQuery_(params, callbackFn);
		} else {
			alert('cercalia.service.pois: Caso no contemplado!');
	//Devuelve los POIs especificados dentro del Array 'this.pois_'
	} else if ( this.pois_.length > 0 ) {
		var params = {
				cmd		 	: 'pois', 
				key 	 	: this.cercaliaKey_,
				poilist		: this.pois_.join(",")

 * @private
 * @param {Object} params 
 * @param {Function} callbackFn
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.ajaxQuery_ = function(params, callbackFn){
    var self = this;
	this.lastXhr_ = cercalia.jQuery.ajax({
		url: this.server_,
		type: this.wkt_ ? 'POST' : 'GET',
		method: this.wkt_ ? 'POST':'GET', //The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT"). (version added: 1.9.0)
		data: params,
		dataType: this.wkt_ ? "json" : cercalia.Util.isIEUnderTen() ? "jsonp" : "json",
		//contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
		crossDomain: true,
		timeout: 15000,
		success: function(data){
		    self.response_ = data;
//"doPoisRequest - response");
//		    console.log(params);
//		    console.log(data);
//		    console.groupEnd();

			} else {
				console.error("No callbackfunction defined");
		//error: cercalia.AJAXException

 * Abort the last AJAX request if it hasn't been resolved.
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.abortLast = function(){
    if(this.lastXhr_ && this.lastXhr_.readyState < 4) {

* Returns the object type.
* @return {string}
cercalia.service.Pois.prototype.getClass = function(){
	return this.CLASS_NAME_;