Source: temp/jsdocinputdirs/cercalia.tile.servervector.js

 * @classdesc A vector source in one of the supported formats, using a custom function to read in the data from a remote server.
 * @constructor
 * @extends {ol.source.Vector}
 * @param {cercaliax.tile.ServerVectorOptions} options Options.
cercalia.tile.ServerVector = function(options) {

    // Call parent constructor
    var parentOptions = {
        attributions: options.attributions,
        logo: options.logo,
        projection: options.projection
    };, parentOptions);

    /* OPTIONS */
     * Tiles download strategy.
     * @private
     * @type {Function}
    this.strategy_ = options.strategy ? options.strategy : ol.loadingstrategy.bbox;
     * Upload features function.
     * @private
     * @type {Function}
    this.loader_ = options.loader ? options.loader : null;
     * Tiles grid.
     * @private
     * @type {ol.tilegrid.XYZ}
    this.tileGrid_ = options.tileGrid ? options.tileGrid : null;
     * Hash (key => ZXY) with uploaded tiles.
     * @private
     * @type {Object}
    this.tileLoadedHash_ = {};
ol.inherits(cercalia.tile.ServerVector, ol.source.Vector);

 * Not implemented yet.
/*cercalia.tile.ServerVector.prototype.addFeaturesInternal = function(features) {

 * Clean the hash indicating which tiles have been downloaded.
 * @param {number|undefined} zoomLevel Zoom level to delete, if not specified deletes all.
cercalia.tile.ServerVector.prototype.clear = function(zoomLevel) {
    if(zoomLevel) this.tileLoadedHash_[zoomLevel] = {};
    else this.tileLoadedHash_ = {};

 * Loads features according to bounds and resolution.
 * @param {ol.Extent} extent Map bounds.
 * @param {number} resolution Map resolution.
 * @param {string} projection Map projection.
cercalia.tile.ServerVector.prototype.loadFeatures = function(extent, resolution, projection) {

    //console.log("loadFeatures: ", extent, resolution, projection);

    // Obtenemos extension con nuestra strategia.
    var extentsToLoad = this.strategy_(extent, resolution);

    // Por todas las tiles no cargadas antes llamamos al loader.
    for ( var index in extentsToLoad) {

        var extentToLoad = extentsToLoad[index].extent;
        var tileCoord = extentsToLoad[index].tileId;
        /*var tileCoord = this.tileGrid_.getTileRangeForExtentAndResolution(extentToLoad, resolution);
        tileCoord = [this.tileGrid_.getZForResolution(resolution), tileCoord.minX, tileCoord.minY];*/
        // Creamos el objeto en la hash si no lo esta.
        if(!this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]]) this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]] = {};
        if(!this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]][tileCoord[1]]) this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]][tileCoord[1]] = {};
        if(!this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]][tileCoord[1]][tileCoord[2]]) {
            this.tileLoadedHash_[tileCoord[0]][tileCoord[1]][tileCoord[2]] = true;  // Tile cargada!
//            console.log("Tile " + tileCoord[0] + ", " + tileCoord[1] + ", " + tileCoord[2] + " loaded: " + extentToLoad.join(", "));
            if(this.loader_)  this.loader_(extentToLoad, resolution, projection, tileCoord);
        } else {
//            console.log("Tile " + tileCoord[0] + ", " + tileCoord[1] + ", " + tileCoord[2] + ": ja pintada.");

 * Checks whether the zoom is like the map
 * @param {Object} tileId Id de la tile ZXY
cercalia.tile.ServerVector.prototype.setLoadedTile = function(tileId, loaded) {
    if(this.tileLoadedHash_[tileId[0]] && this.tileLoadedHash_[tileId[0]][tileId[1]] && this.tileLoadedHash_[tileId[0]][tileId[1]][tileId[2]]) {
        this.tileLoadedHash_[tileId[0]][tileId[1]][tileId[2]] = loaded;
//        console.log("tile: " + tileId[0] + ", " + tileId[1] + ", " + tileId[2] + " -> " + loaded);
