Source: temp/jsdocinputdirs/cercalia.wms.js

 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} name Name of WMS layer to paint
 * @param {string|Array.<string>} urls URL o URLs (array) from WMS service
 * @param {Object} params Object with key / value pairs with the required parameters
 *            to launch a GETMAP query to WMS server. If not specified some have associated 
 *            default value: (name options in capital letters)
 *            `SERVICE: "WMS"`, `VERSION: "1.1.1"` `REQUEST:
 *            "GetMap"`, `STYLES: ""`, `EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage"`
 *            `FORMAT: "image/jpeg"` The following are mandatory: `SRS`, `LAYERS`
 * @param {Object} options Hash table with extra options to configure the WMS layer
cercalia.WMS = function(name, urls, params, options) {

	 * Class name
	 * @private
	 * @type {string}
	this.CLASS_NAME_ = "cercalia.WMS";

	 * Property: name
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	this.name_ = name;

	 * Property: map
	 * @type {cercalia.Map}
	 * @private
	this.map_ = null;

	 * Property: urls
	 * @type {Array.<string>}
	 * @private
	this.urls_ = urls instanceof Array ? urls : [ urls ];

	 * WMS request properties Property: params
	 * @type {Object.<String>}
	 * @private
	this.params_ = params ? params : {};

	 * Hash table with extra options to configure the WMS layer Property:
	 * params
	 * @type {Object.<String>}
	 * @private
	this.options_ = options ? options : {};

	// Comprobamos los valores para asignar los de defecto
	if (!this.params_.SERVICE)
		this.params_.SERVICE = "WMS";
	if (!this.params_.VERSION)
		this.params_.VERSION = "1.1.1";
	if (!this.params_.REQUEST)
		this.params_.REQUEST = "GetMap";
	if (!this.params_.STYLES)
		this.params_.STYLES = "";
	if (!this.params_.EXCEPTIONS)
		this.params_.EXCEPTIONS = "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage";
	if (!this.params_.FORMAT)
		this.params_.FORMAT = "image/jpeg";
	if (!this.params_.WIDTH)
		this.params_.WIDTH = 256;
	if (!this.params_.HEIGHT)
		this.params_.HEIGHT = 256;

	if (!this.params_.LAYERS) {
		alert('Layer no especificada');
		return null;

	// Generamos el objeto TileWMSOptions
	var tileWMSoptions = {
		urls : this.urls_,
		params : this.params_

	if( this.params_.SRS ){
		tileWMSoptions.projection = this.params_.SRS; 		
	} else if ( this.params_.CRS ) {
		tileWMSoptions.projection = this.params_.CRS;
	} else {
		tileWMSoptions.projection = 'EPSG:3857';

	tileWMSoptions.extent = this.options_.extent ? this.options_.extent : undefined; 
	tileWMSoptions.gutter = this.options_.gutter ? this.options_.gutter : undefined;
	tileWMSoptions.maxZoom = this.options_.maxZoom ? this.options_.maxZoom : undefined;
	tileWMSoptions.tileLoadFunction = this.options_.tileLoadFunction ? this.options_.tileLoadFunction : undefined;
	 * @private
	 * @type {ol.source.TileWMS}
	this.wmsSource_ = new ol.source.TileWMS(tileWMSoptions);

	 * @private
	 * @type {ol.layer.Tile}
	this.layer_ = new ol.layer.Tile({
		source : this.wmsSource_,
		name : this.name_,
		visible: this.options_.visible ? this.options_.visible : true


 * We assign a map to the object. If it's already exist, is deleted in the existing 
 * map and WMS layer is painted on the map passed as parameter.
 * If parameter is "null", it's removed from the map.
 * @param {cercalia.Map|null} map Map.
 * @param {number} position ZIndex position from layers.
cercalia.WMS.prototype.setMap = function(map, position) {

	if (!this.map_) {
		if (map) {
			this.map_ = map;
			this.map_.addLayer(this.layer_, position);		
		} else {
	} else {
		if (map == null) {
		} else if (this.map_ != map) {

			this.map_ = map;
			this.map_.addLayer(this.layer_, position);


 * Updates the parameters
 * @param {Object} params
cercalia.WMS.prototype.updateParams = function(params) {

 * @return {cercalia.Map|null} map Map, in case of WMS layer is painted in a map. If not, returns null 
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getMap = function() {
	return this.map_;

 * @return {string} WMS layer name
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getName = function() {
	return this.name_;

 * @return {Object} params Returns WMS 'params'
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getParams = function() {
	return this.params_;

 * Removes the object with all its attributes
cercalia.WMS.prototype.destroy = function() {
	if (this.map_) {
		this.map_ = null;
		this.name_ = null;
		this.options_ = null;
		this.params_ = null;
		this.layer_ = null;
		this.wmsSource_ = null;

 * @return {ol.source.TileWMS} WMS Source. OL3 Object <a href="">ol.source.TileWMS</a>
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getSource = function() {
	return this.wmsSource_;

 * @return {ol.layer.Tile} WMS Source. OL3 Object <a href="">ol.layer.Tile</a>
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getLayer = function() {
	return this.layer_;

 * @return {string} ClassName from `cercalia.WMS` object.
cercalia.WMS.prototype.getClass = function() {
	return this.CLASS_NAME_;