Points of Interest
- Database with hundreds of thousands of POIs.
- World coverave
- Main categories:
- How to move: gas stations, parkings, public transport...
- Services: hospital, pharmacy, police station, post office, mechanical workshop, convention center, rest/service area...
- Sports: golf course, stadium, sport center, swimming pool...
- Education: schools, university, library...
- Leisure: tourist attraction, hotel, camping, cinema, museum, opera, theater, zoo, beach...
- Include your own POIs
- Easy integration:
- View POIs in the map. Zoom filter. Clustering
- Get nearest POIs, driving or walking.
- Get POIs along a route
- Get POIs inside an area
Weather forecast
Meteo layer with standard icons.
- 6 days weather forecast available for main cities
- Includes weather icon, max-min temperature, rain probability and wind
- Customizable
- Multilingual
Gas Stations with price and schedule
- Price updated every day
- Station schedule
- Only available for Spain
Openseamap Layer integration
Integration with openseamap, including:
- Balizas
- Harbours
- Marine traffic
- Sea depth
Example (select Maritim traffic from the layers menú)
Administrative boundaries
Visualize & download detailed world administrative boundaries.
- Several boundary levels: postal code - districts - municipalities - regions
- Paint polygons / boundaries on the map
- Download data in KML or WKT format