Reverse geocoding

Web services

Geocoding API documentation, available via HTTP-JSON/XML service.

URL base service:

* API KEY. Same KEY used in maps API js

HTTP requests in GET or POST
Response in JSON / XML format

Reverse geocoding


Request example (lat,long 37.777041,-3.785477):


For grouping several coordinates in a single request, use &molist= parameter:


* Maximum number of coordinates in a single request: 100.


  • mocs=gdd coordinate system. "gdd" = geographical system (latitude,longitude)
  • mo= Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)
  • rqge= level of detail.

rqge values:

Value Description
cadr Address (only streets / roads with name, not road number)
adr Address / road (including raod number) and milestone if avaliable
st Street (no housenumber) / road (no milestone)
ct City / locality
pcode Postal code
mun Municipality
subreg Sub-Region
reg Region
ctry Country


Street example:

<cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity center="-421397,4521799" num="1" type="adr">
		<gelist num="1" type="adr">
				<municipality id="ESP230503">Jaén</municipality>
				<subregion id="ESP23">Jaén</subregion>
				<region id="ESPAND">Andalucía</region>
				<country id="ESP">España</country>
			<ge article="de" dist="42" frc="ep" height="505" id="ESP230503000090371" kmh="50" name="Avenida de Madrid" pos="1" prefix="Avenida" sname="Madrid" zonename="Jaén" zonetype="U">
				<intersection article="de" dist="51" id="ESP230503000090318" name="Calle de Isaac Albéniz" prefix="Calle" sname="Isaac Albéniz">
					<coord x="-421403" y="4521748"/>
				<postalcode country_id="ESP" id="23008"/>
				<city id="ESP17240006020330">Jaén</city>
				<municipality id="ESP230503">Jaén</municipality>
				<subregion id="ESP23">Jaén</subregion>
				<region id="ESPAND">Andalucía</region>
				<country id="ESP">España</country>
				<coord x="-421378" y="4521837"/>


  • dist= distance in meters between coordinate and street
  • kmh= teorical maximum speed in the road segment (source: TomTom). In Anglo-Saxon countries, this value is in miles per hour (not km/h)
  • name= street name (prexix + article + name)
  • prefix= street name prefix
  • sname= street name
  • article= article
  • housenumber= House number (if avaliable)
  • height= Road point height, in meters
  • zonetype= zone type: urban ("U") or industrial ("I")
  • zonename= zone name (city or industrial area)
  • district= district name (infra-municipal division, only avaliable in some countries)
  • municipality= municipality (official ID and name)
  • subregion= subregion (official ID and name)
  • region= region(official ID and name)
  • country= country (official ID and name)

In addition, is avialiable the node corresponding to the closest road junction

Road example:

<cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity center="-404736,4937053" num="1" type="adr">
		<gelist num="1" type="adr">
				<municipality id="ESP281296">San Agustín del Guadalix</municipality>
				<subregion id="ESP28">Madrid</subregion>
				<region id="ESPMAD">Comunidad de Madrid</region>
				<country id="ESP">España</country>
			<ge dist="0" frc="na2" height="666" kmh="90" name="M-104" pos="1">
				<postalcode country_id="ESP" id="28750"/>
				<city dist="2225" id="ESP17240002420619">San Agustín del Guadalix</city>
				<municipality id="ESP281296">San Agustín del Guadalix</municipality>
				<subregion id="ESP28">Madrid</subregion>
				<region id="ESPMAD">Comunidad de Madrid</region>
				<country id="ESP">España</country>
				<coord x="-404736" y="4937053"/>


Where the parameters are the same as in the case of street, with the exception of the records that refer to the road.

  • Name= road number/code
  • km= milestone (avaliable in France, Spain and Portugal)
  • direction= road direction (only avaliable for highways): A (increasing milestone) - D (decreasing milestone)
  • frc= road type

Frc values:

frc Road type
ap Toll road - highway
av Dual carriageway
na1 First level road
a2 Second level road
pl Third level road
ep Main street
cl Secondary street
pt Pedestrian street

Get the localities / regions that intersect a polygon





  • cs=4326 Polygon coordinate system. 4326 = geographical coordinates (LonLat).
  • wkt= Polygon, in WKT format
  • rqge= detail level.

rqge values:

rqge desc
ct locality
mun municipality
subreg subregion
reg region


<cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity buffer="0.0" cs="4326" tolerance="0.0" type="mun" wkt="POLYGON((2.149028778076172 41.39586980544921,2.146625518798828 41.41930231731321,2.1816444396972656 41.41981722266227,2.1813011169433594 41.398187683195694,2.149028778076172 41.39586980544921))">
		<gelist num="1" type="mun">
			<ge id="ESP080193" name="Barcelona" pos="1">
				<subregion id="ESP08">Barcelona</subregion>
				<region id="ESPCAT">Cataluña</region>
				<country id="ESP">España</country>
				<coord x="241554" y="5041472"/>

Get the censal section from a coordinate (only avaliable in Spain)





  • mo= Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)



  <cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity center="-3.653151816470334,40.34468901375571" num="1" type="poi">
		<poilist num="1">
			<poi category_id="D00SECCEN" dist="0" geometry="Z" id="DC00SC2807918002" pos="1" subcategory_id="-1">
					<city id="ESP57240362251934">Madrid</city> 
					<municipality id="ESP280796">Madrid</municipality> 
					<subregion id="ESP28">Madrid</subregion> 
					<region id="ESPMAD">Comunidad de Madrid</region> 
					<country id="ESP">España</country> 
				<coord x="-3.6520019729066613" y="40.356833273872574" /> 


  • name= censal section ID
  • info= censal section ID


Get the SIGPAC parcel from a coordinate (only avaliable in Spain)





  • mo= Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc).



  <cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity center="2.038241447055829,41.42636217964459" num="1" type="poi">
		<poilist num="1">
			<poi category_id="D00SIGPAC" dist="0" geometry="Z" id="D00_08122_0_0_4_9000_1" pos="1" subcategory_id="-1">
					<city id="ESP17240008188399">Molins de Rei</city>
					<municipality id="ESP081234">Molins de Rei</municipality>
					<subregion id="ESP08">Barcelona</subregion>
					<region id="ESPCAT">Cataluña</region>
					<country id="ESP">España</country>
				<coord x="2.039759599885991" y="41.42864740772865"></coord>


  • name= SIGPAC parcel ID.
  • info= SIGPAC parcel info, with this format:
  • field1|field2|field3|field4|field5
    • field1= municipality ID (INE)
    • field2= parcel usage
    • field3= parcel extension (Ha)
    • field4= vulnerable area type
    • field5= vulnerable area code

Get the Time Zone from a coordinate





  • mo=Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc).
  • datetime= day and time to check (optional). If used, returns the local time in the region where the coordinates are located


  <cercalia cmd="prox" version="1">
	<proximity center="2337181,6812015" num="1" type="timezone">
		<gelist num="1" type="timezone">
			<ge daylightsavingtime="3600000" dist="0" id="Europe/Warsaw" localdatetime="2019-09-27T16:30:12+02:00" name="Central European Summer Time" pos="1" utcdatetime="2019-09-27T14:30:12Z" utctimeoffset="3600000"/>


  • id= Time zone ID
  • name= Time zone name
  • localdatetime= local time
  • utcdatetime= UTC time
  • utctimeoffset= offset between local time and UTC time
  • daylightsavingtime= returns if this date is in summer or winter time

Test the service

Ex. -1.99207702
Ex. 43.3156