Static maps (map image)

Web services

Static maps API documentation, available via HTTP-JSON/XML service.

URL base service:

* API KEY. Same KEY used in maps API js

HTTP requests in GET or POST
Response in JSON / XML format


You can get a static map using a image path, ore directly a bit array.

The maximum image size is &width=1680&height=1280 (pixels).

Paint markers in the map





  • cmd=map fixed parameter (request type = static map)
  • width=&height= image size (in pixels)
  • mocs=gdd coordinate system (gdd -> geographical lat,long). Optional
  • extent= Y,X upper left|Y,X lower right. Optional
  • molist= list of markers. Format: [Y,X|marker ID (optional)|icon*|],[Y,X|marker ID (optional)|icon*|], ...

*Icons: the icon is specified by an integer numeric code (1,2,3 ...). These icons must be published on the Cercalia platform servers.


  • &img= returns the image, instead of a JSON / XML


If request includes &img= paramether, the response is the image (array of bits).

Otherwise, the response is in JSON/XML format, including the path for dowloading the image:

<cercalia version="1" cmd="map">
   <proximity op="3" center=""/>
   <map style="default" smap="0" cmode="molist">
      <img width="500" center="2.1402092149562364,41.40472286871521" scale="0" href="/MapesNG/Cercalia/map/map2/1164552.gif" height="400" format="gif">
         <coord y="41.405615633920526" x="2.1387269947374388"/>
         <coord y="41.403830091151015" x="2.141691435175033"/>
      </img><label op="0" pt="2.1402092149562364,41.40472286871521"/>
         <shape type="CIRCLE">
            <outline width="4" color="125,141,177,200"/>
            <fill color="0,255,0,0"/>
               <coord y="41.40472286871521" x="2.1402092149562364"/>
      <molist num="1">
         <mo id="">
            <coord y="41.40472286871521" x="2.1402092149562364"/>
            <pixels y="200" x="250"/>


  • href="/MapesNG/Cercalia/map/map2/1164552.gif" Image path
  • Server
  • Path including server + image::

Map example:

Marker pintado en mapa


Paint polylines, areas and labels




Where &shape= paramether include several type of shapes: circle, rectangle, sector, line, polyline, label

Shape format:

[outline color | outline size | fill color | shape type | specific paramethers]

  • outline color: RGBA* format.
  • outline size: in pixels.
  • fill color: RGBA* format.
  • shape type: shape**.
  • specific paramethers: specific parameters according to every type of shape.

* RGBA format (red,green,blue,alpha):

  • Red: [value between 0-255]
  • Green: [value between 0-255]
  • Blue: [value between 0-255]
  • Alpha: transparency [value between 0 (transparent) –255 (opaque)]. Default value: 255.



**Shape types and specific paramethers:


Draw a circle. Specific paramethers:

center | radius

  • center: Y,X coordinate.
  • radius: radius, in meters.


Draw a rectagle. Specific paramethers:

upper left coordinates | lower right coordinates


Draw a sector. Specific paramethers:

center | internal radius | external radius | start angle | end angle

  • center: Y,X coordinate.
  • internal radius: radius, in meters, where the sector starts
  • radio externo: radius, in meters, where the sector ends
  • start angle: Angle, in degrees, where the sector begins.
  • ángulo fin: Angle, in degrees, where the sector ends.


Draw a line. Fill color not available. Specific paramethers:

start coordinate | end coordinate


Draw a polyline. Fill color not available. Specific paramethers:

coordinate 1 | coordinate 2 | .... | coordinate n


Draw a label starting in a coordinate. Specific paramethers:

center | text

  • center: coordinates, text starting point.
  • texto: label content.



Liniea y circulo pintado en mapa