
Web services

Geocoding API documentation, available via HTTP-JSON/XML service.

URL base service:

* API KEY. Same KEY used in maps API js

HTTP requests in GET or POST
Response in JSON / XML format

Route (car)





  • report=0 / report = 1 route report with text instructions (optional). 
  • mo_o= origin - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)
  • mo_d= destination - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)
  • mo_1,n= waypoints - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc) -> 1, ... n
  • weight= route type:
    • time (quickest)
    • distance (shortest)
    • money (quickest avoiding toll roads)
    • realtime (quickest, considering real time traffic data).
  • iweight= provides additional information on route calculation. It allows to indicate different parameters, separated by commas:
    • realtime: Use this parameter to obtain the time of the route, based on the current traffic state.
    • toll: Use this parameter to determine if the route passes through a toll road section. Use only if &report = 0
    • ferry: Use this parameter to obtain if the route passes through a ferry leg. Use only if &report = 0
  • stagegeometry=1/0 Include or not the geometry of the path (polyline) in WKT format. In case the request includes waypoints, the geometry is divided for each stage
  • stagegeometrytolerance=10 Route geometry simplification, in meters. Default: 100 m
  • stagegeometrysrs=EPSG:4326 Route geometry coordinate system (EPSG:4326 = geographic coordinate system)

    Routing based on departure time:

    • weight= route type:
      • sptime (quickest, based on departure time)
      • spmoney (quickest, based on departure time and avoiding toll roads)
    • departuretime= departure date and time, in ISO 8601 format. UTC time example:  2019-10-16T07:30:12Z  *Mandatory if using weight=sptime/spmoney


    Specific parameters to include temporary restrictions (roads closed on certain days and/or time slots):

    Parameter Description
    TRSTART Starting date and time measured in milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC). It is only taken into account to avoid temporary restrictions.
    TRDEPARTURETIME Starting date and time in ISO 8601 format. Example for UTC time: 2007-04-05T14:30:12Z. It is only taken into account to avoid temporary restrictions. It is converted to TRSTART format internally.
    TRINFODATE Starting date. API informs (not avoids) temporary restrictions in YYYYMMDD format.
    TRINFODAYS Number of days from TRINFODATE on which will be reported the temporary restrictions. (Default 1)



    • alternatives= use this parameter for getting malternative routes. It only works on routes optimized by time and distance. Default: false
    • direction= specify how to choose the direction of departure / arrival at the stops. Default: "default" value.
      • default: If it is a secondary road, uses both directions. If it is an important road, uses the one where the stop is located on the right. If an angle is specified, uses the direction closest to the angle.
      • both: uses both road directions.
    • blockrealtime=let you to prevent the passage of roads blocked by works or other damages. This blocking is applied even if there are no alternative routes: if there is no possible route, returns an error. Default: false.
    • avoidblockrealtime=let you to prevent the passage of roads blocked by works or other damages. This blocking is only applied if there are alternative routes. Default: true.
    • blockferries=never use ferries, returning error if there's no possible route. Por defecto: false.
    • avoidferries=try to avoid ferries, but will take it if's the only way to get a route. Default: true.
    • lang= report text language, if &report=1.

    lang values:

    Value Desc
    es Spanish
    fr French
    de German
    it Italian
    ca Catalan
    pt Portuguese
    en English
    nl Dutch

    Advanced parameters: route optimization:

    • reorder=1 Optimize the route considering the travel time or distance. Up to 100 waypoints. 
    • Time restrictions:
    Value Description
    STARTWINDOWx_1 First date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_1 First date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:40:00Z
    STARTWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_2=2021-10-21T17:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_2=2021-10-21T22:40:00Z
    • duration_x Stop duration, in seconds. Default value: 0
    • priority_x Value from 0 to 100, meaning the priority including every waypoint in the optimized route. It only will used if some waypoints can't be attended. Only used if reorder=1. 


    <cercalia cmd="route" version="1">
    	<route dest="%" dist="356.697" hasferries="1" hastolls="1" icost="67707521,125,3" id="16474053,16410248|0.09513969,0.32824484" iweight="realtime,toll,ferry" orig="%" realtime="18:50:27" time="18:48:27" weight="time">
    			<stop by="false" id="o">
    				<mo id="">
    					<coord x="1.24489430" y="41.120380332"/>
    			<stop by="false" id="d">
    				<mo id="">
    					<coord x="2.663190407" y="39.584958220"/>
    			<stage dest="%" dest_stop_id="d" dist="356.697" orig="%" orig_stop_id="o" realtime="18:50:27" time="18:48:27" weight=""/>


    • id= Route id
    • dist= route distance, in km
    • time= route time (HH:MM:SS)
    • realtime= route time, including real time traffic (HH:MM:SS), if iweight=realtime
    • hasferries= informs if the route includes some ferry (only if request includes &iweight=ferry and &report=0)
    • hastolls= informs if the route includes some toll roads (only if request includes &iweight=toll and &report=0)

    * Note:

    In the case of routes longer than 24 hours, time is expressed in accumulated hours. Example: 2 days "48:00:00", 10 days "240:00:00".



    Response includes a WKT with the route polyline, using standard Well-known Text Representation for Geometry".

    Geometry Type Text Literal Representation Comment
    Point 'POINT (10 10)' a Point
    LineString 'LINESTRING ( 10 10, 20 20, 30 40)' a LineString with 3 points
    Polygon 'POLYGON ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))' a Polygon with 1 exteriorRing and 0 interiorRings
    Multipoint 'MULTIPOINT (10 10, 20 20)' a MultiPoint with 2 points
    MultiLineString 'MULTILINESTRING ((10 10, 20 20), (15 15, 30 15))' a MultiLineString with 2 linestrings
    MultiPolygon 'MULTIPOLYGON ( ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10)), ((60 60, 70 70, 80 60, 60 60 ) ))' a MultiPolygon with 2 polygons
    GeomCollection 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (10 10), POINT (30 30), LINESTRING (15 15, 20 20))' a GeometryCollection consisting of 2 Point values and a LineString value

    More info: OpenGIS® Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture.

    In case of route polyline, geometry type can be LineString or MultiLineString.

    Route report:

    In case of &report=1, response includes the textual route description. You can get it in several languages, using &lang= parameter.

    <cercalia cmd="route" version="1">
    	<route coste_v1="0.0" coste_v2="0.0" coste_v3="0.0" dest="%" dist="1.2" icost="223570" id="13171123,13177702|0.18124574540503743,0.8983606557377048|" iweight="realtime" lang="es" mindist="1000" orig="%" realtime="00:03:43" time="00:03:33" weight="time">
    			<stop by="false" id="o">
    				<mo id="">
    					<coord x="-413030" y="4900888"/>
    			<stop by="false" id="d">
    				<mo id="">
    					<coord x="-411582" y="4900474"/>
    			<stage coste_v1="0.0" coste_v2="0.0" coste_v3="0.0" dest="%" dest_stop_id="d" dist="1.2" id="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" orig="%" orig_stop_id="o" time="00:03:33">
    				<sub_stage angle="353.0" id="1,2,3,4,5" name="Calle de Sagasta" type="L">
    					<start x="-413030" y="4900888"/>
    					<end x="-411665" y="4900635"/>
    					Partir de <b>%</b> por Calle de Alberto Aguilera hasta llegar al cruce con Glorieta de Ruiz Jiménez.<br>Seguir recto por Glorieta de Ruiz Jiménez hasta llegar al cruce con Calle de Carranza.<br>Seguir recto por Calle de Carranza hasta llegar al cruce con Glorieta de Bilbao.<br>Girar hacia la derecha y seguir por Glorieta de Bilbao hasta llegar al cruce con Calle de Sagasta.<br>Seguir recto por Calle de Sagasta hasta llegar al cruce con Calle de Antonio Flores
    						<area name="Madrid" type="U"/>
    				<sub_stage angle="65.0" id="6,7" name="Calle de Serrano Anguita" type="L">
    					<start x="-411665" y="4900635"/>
    					<end x="-411582" y="4900474"/>
    					Girar hacia la derecha y seguir por Calle de Antonio Flores hasta llegar al cruce con Calle de Serrano Anguita.<br>Girar hacia la izquierda y seguir por Calle de Serrano Anguita en dirección a <b>%</b>.
    						<area name="Madrid" type="U"/>

    Route (walking)

    Only available for Spain and USA





    • report=0 route report text instructions not available
    • mo_o= origin (Y,X)
    • mo_d= destination (Y,X)
    • mo_1,n= waypoints (Y,X) -> 1, ... n
    • weight= route type:
      • time (quickest)
      • distance (shortest)
    • stagegeometry=1/0 Include or not the geometry of the path (polyline) in WKT format. In case the request includes waypoints, the geometry is divided for each stage
    • stagegeometrysrs=EPSG:4326 indica que la geometría de la polilínia se devolverá en coordenadas geográficas
    • stagegeometrytolerance=10 Route geometry simplification, in meters. Default: 100 m
    • stagegeometrysrs=EPSG:4326 Route geometry coordinate system (EPSG:4326 = geographic coordinate system)
    • net= country (espw, or usaw)
    • &direction=both (mandatory)


    Advanced parameters: route optimization:

    • reorder=1 Optimize the route considering the travel time or distance. Up to 100 waypoints. 
    • Time restrictions:
    Value Description
    STARTWINDOWx_1 First date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_1 First date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:40:00Z
    STARTWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_2=2021-10-21T17:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_2=2021-10-21T22:40:00Z
    • duration_x Stop duration, in seconds. Default value: 0
    • priority_x Value from 0 to 100, meaning the priority including every waypoint in the optimized route. It only will used if some waypoints can't be attended. Only used if reorder=1. 



      <cercalia cmd="route" version="1">
    	<route dest="d" dist="0.306" id="9911054,9868590|0.6062123,0.5|espw" orig="o" time="00:04:35" weight="time">
    			<stop by="false" id="o">
    				<mo id="o">
    					<coord x="2.825704625115002" y="41.97339605714581"/>
    			<stop by="false" id="d">
    				<mo id="d">
    					<coord x="2.8255339452110193" y="41.97082858283375"/>
    			<stage dest="d" dest_stop_id="d" dist="0.306" orig="o" orig_stop_id="o" time="00:04:35" weight="time">
    				<wkt cs="EPSG:4326" tolerance="100.0">
    				LINESTRING (2.825668865971416 41.9734025479364, 2.8255968272809073 41.97318154631235, 2.8255159789053366 41.97294692425489, 2.82554292836386 41.97229668143117, 2.8258303892547785 41.97087550888706, 2.8255339452110193 41.97082858283375)


    • id= Route id
    • dist= route distance, in km
    • time= route time (HH:MM:SS)


    Response includes a WKT with the route polyline, using standard Well-known Text Representation for Geometry".

    Geometry Type Text Literal Representation Comment
    Point 'POINT (10 10)' a Point
    LineString 'LINESTRING ( 10 10, 20 20, 30 40)' a LineString with 3 points
    Polygon 'POLYGON ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))' a Polygon with 1 exteriorRing and 0 interiorRings
    Multipoint 'MULTIPOINT (10 10, 20 20)' a MultiPoint with 2 points
    MultiLineString 'MULTILINESTRING ((10 10, 20 20), (15 15, 30 15))' a MultiLineString with 2 linestrings
    MultiPolygon 'MULTIPOLYGON ( ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10)), ((60 60, 70 70, 80 60, 60 60 ) ))' a MultiPolygon with 2 polygons
    GeomCollection 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (10 10), POINT (30 30), LINESTRING (15 15, 20 20))' a GeometryCollection consisting of 2 Point values and a LineString value

    More info: OpenGIS® Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture.

    In case of route polyline, geometry type can be LineString or MultiLineString.

    Truck routing

    Truck routing includes road logistic restrictions for providing better routes. Includes:

    • Route distance and route time
    • Route polyline (in WKT format).
    • Toll costs, available in Spain, Portugal and France.
    • Truck restrictions (weight, height, length, width, max speed).

    The request & response format is the same as in the case of a normal route, but additionaly includes specific parameters to indicate the types of restrictions to take into account.


    Common route parameters:

    • report=0 / report = 1 route report with text instructions (optional). 
    • mo_o= origin - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)
    • mo_d= destination - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc)
    • mo_1,n= waypoints - Y,X in case of geographical coordinate system (ex: London = 51.50015,-0.12624), X,Y for other coordinate systems (mercator, UTM , etc) -> 1, ... n
    • weight= route type:
      • time (quickest)
      • distance (shortest)
      • money (quickest avoiding toll roads)
      • realtime (quickest, considering real time traffic data).
      • timerimp (dangerous goods)
    • iweight= provides additional information on route calculation. It allows to indicate different parameters, separated by commas:
      • realtime: Use this parameter to obtain the time of the route, based on the current traffic state.
      • toll: Use this parameter to determine if the route passes through a toll road section. Use only if &report = 0
      • ferry: Use this parameter to obtain if the route passes through a ferry leg. Use only if &report = 0
    • stagegeometry=1/0 Include or not the geometry of the path (polyline) in WKT format. In case the request includes waypoints, the geometry is divided for each stage
    • stagegeometrytolerance=10 Route geometry simplification, in meters. Default: 100 m
    • stagegeometrysrs=EPSG:4326 Route geometry coordinate system (EPSG:4326 = geographic coordinate system)


    Truck routing specific parameters:

    • net=logistics Routing specific for trucks 
    Parameter Description
    VWEIGHT Vehicle weight, in tons
    VAXLEWEIGHT Vehicle axle weight, in tons
    VHEIGHT Vehicle height, in meters
    VLENGTH Vehicle lenght, in meters
    VWIDTH Vehicle width, in meters
    VMAXVEL Maximum vehicle speed, in km/h
    BLOCKVWEIGHT Prevent usage of restricted roads with a maximum weight lower than that indicated in the VWEIGHT parameter. Default: false.
    AVOIDVWEIGHT Avoid, if possible, the usage of restricted roads with a maximum weight lower than that indicated in the VWEIGHT parameter. Default: true.
    BLOCKVAXLEWEIGHT Prevent usage of restricted roads with a maximum axle weight lower than that indicated in the VAXLEWEIGHT parameter. Default: false.
    AVOIDVAXLEWEIGHT Avoid, if possible, the usage of restricted roads with a maximum axle weight lower than that indicated in the VAXLEWEIGHT parameter. Default: true.
    BLOCKVHEIGHT Prevent usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VHEIGHT parameter. Default: false.
    AVOIDVHEIGHT Avoid, if possible, the usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VHEIGHT parameter. Default: true.
    BLOCKVLENGTH Prevent usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VLENGTH parameter. Default: false.
    AVOIDVLENGTH Avoid, if possible, the usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VLENGTH parameter. Default: true.
    BLOCKVWIDTH Prevent usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VWIDTH parameter. Default: false.
    AVOIDVWIDTH Avoid, if possible, the usage of restricted roads with a maximum height lower than that indicated in the VWIDTH parameter. Default: true.




    Routing based on departure time:

    • weight= route type:
      • sptime (quickest, based on departure time)
      • spmoney (quickest, based on departure time and avoiding toll roads)
    • departuretime= departure date and time, in ISO 8601 format. UTC time example:  2019-10-16T07:30:12Z  *Mandatory if using weight=sptime/spmoney


    Specific parameters to include temporary restrictions (roads closed on certain days and/or time slots):

    Parameter Description
    TRSTART Starting date and time measured in milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC). It is only taken into account to avoid temporary restrictions.
    TRDEPARTURETIME Starting date and time in ISO 8601 format. Example for UTC time: 2007-04-05T14:30:12Z. It is only taken into account to avoid temporary restrictions. It is converted to TRSTART format internally.
    TRINFODATE Starting date. API informs (not avoids) temporary restrictions in YYYYMMDD format.
    TRINFODAYS Number of days from TRINFODATE on which will be reported the temporary restrictions. (Default 1)



    • alternatives= use this parameter for getting malternative routes. It only works on routes optimized by time and distance. Default: false
    • direction= specify how to choose the direction of departure / arrival at the stops. Default: "default" value.
      • default: If it is a secondary road, uses both directions. If it is an important road, uses the one where the stop is located on the right. If an angle is specified, uses the direction closest to the angle.
      • both: uses both road directions.
    • blockrealtime=let you to prevent the passage of roads blocked by works or other damages. This blocking is applied even if there are no alternative routes: if there is no possible route, returns an error. Default: false.
    • avoidblockrealtime=let you to prevent the passage of roads blocked by works or other damages. This blocking is only applied if there are alternative routes. Default: true.
    • blockferries=never use ferries, returning error if there's no possible route. Por defecto: false.
    • avoidferries=try to avoid ferries, but will take it if's the only way to get a route. Default: true.
    • showbreaktimes=show mandatori rest time along the route (tachograph). Default (truck routes): true.
    • lang= report text language, if &report=1.

    lang values:

    Value Desc
    es Spanish
    fr French
    de German
    it Italian
    ca Catalan
    pt Portuguese
    en English
    nl Dutch

    Advanced parameters: route optimization:

    • reorder=1 Optimize the route considering the travel time or distance. Up to 100 waypoints. 
    • Time restrictions:
    Value Description
    STARTWINDOWx_1 First date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_1 First date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_1=2021-10-21T07:40:00Z
    STARTWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (FROM) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &startwindow1_2=2021-10-21T17:30:00Z
    ENDWINDOWx_2 Second date and time (TO) restriction for every waypoint, in ISO 8601 format. Only used if reorder=1. Example: &endwindow1_2=2021-10-21T22:40:00Z
    • duration_x Stop duration, in seconds. Default value: 0
    • priority_x Value from 0 to 100, meaning the priority including every waypoint in the optimized route. It only will used if some waypoints can't be attended. Only used if reorder=1. 













    Route ID






    Starting point name






    Destination point name






    Repport language






    Route distance






    Route time






    Route type















    Stop ID (orig, dest, stage1, stage2)




    Stop is a geographical entity



    Geographical entity ID



    Geographical entity name



    Geographical entity type (ctry = country,ct = city,st = street,...)



    Place name



    City ID


    City Name



    Municipality ID


    Municipality name



    Subregion ID


    Subregion name



    Region ID


    Region name



    Country ID


    Country name



    Coord X


    Coord Y




    Stop is a POI (Point of Interest)



    POI category



    POI ID



    POI name



    POI information



    Coord X


    Coord Y




    Stop is a mobile object (coordinates)



    Mobile object ID









    Coord X


    Coord Y















    Stage origin




    Stage destination







    Substage ID



    Junction angle with the previous stage



    Substage name



    Substage road type  *



    Substage description



    Substage time



    Accumulated time



    Substage distance



    Accumulated distance






    Coord. X starting point



    Coord. Y starting point






    Coord. X end point



    Coord. Y end point



    Logistics road restrictions list


    See Road restrictions list



    Municipalities crossed along the route







    * @type values (substage road type):








    Main road


    Secondary road


    Local roads, with no name


    Main streets


    Minor streets






    Service road

    Logistic road restriction elements

    Each substage of the route report includes the restrictions that have been found and their coordinates.

    	<restriction height="2.2" x="245771" y="5046066"/>
    	<restriction height="2.2" x="246247" y="5046538"/>








    Coord X


    Coord Y


    Maximum vehicle weight (if reported).


    Maximum vehicle axle weight (if reported).


    Maximum vehicle height (if reported).


    Maximum vehicle width (if reported).


    Maximum vehicle length (if reported).

    Mandatory breaktimes (tachograph)

    For truck routes, the &showbreaktimes parameter is activated by default, which incorporates the following information in the response:

    • totaltime=Total route time, including mandatory stops
    • breaktime=Total time of mandatory stops accumulated along the route
    • breakpoints=Mandatory stops along the route, including duration, type and coordinates


    Multipoint massive routing

    Calculate the distance and driving time between all the points indicated, with all possible combinations respecting the order. For example, you can include:

    • Several assistance vehicles (with their current location) that can attend to an incident.
    • The location of an incident to attend (for example a damaged car).
    • The destination workshop where to take the car.
    • The return bases to which the vehicles have to finish the service.

    In this way, it calculates all the route combinations, respecting the order vehicle assistance -> damaged vehicle -> destination workshop -> base where to return

    Likewise, it can take into account the traffic state, as in the case of the generic route calculation.





    • Starting poin / points:
      • mo_o= starting point [Y,X|ID]
      • molist_o= list of starting points [Y,X|ID2],[Y,X|ID2] ...
    • Route waypoint / waypoints:
      • mo_1= waypoint [Y,X|ID]
      • molist_1= list of waypoints [Y,X|ID2],[Y,X|ID2] ...
    • Optional: 2nd waypoint / waypoints (and so on):
      • mo_2= waypoint [Y,X|ID]
      • molist_2= list waypoints [Y,X|ID2],[Y,X|ID2] ...
    • Route destination point / points:
      • mo_d= destination point [Y,X|ID]
      • molist_d= list of destination points [Y,X|ID2],[Y,X|ID2] ...
    • mocs=gdd coordinate system (gdd = geographical - lat, long)
    • weight= Route type
      • time (quickest)
      • distance (shortest)
      • money (quickest avoiding toll roads)
      • realtime (quickest, considering real time traffic data).
      • timerimp (dangerous goods)
    • iweight= provides additional information on route calculation. It allows to indicate different parameters, separated by commas:
      • realtime: Use this parameter to obtain the time of the route, based on the current traffic state.
      • toll: Use this parameter to determine if the route passes through a toll road section. Use only if &report = 0
      • ferry: Use this parameter to obtain if the route passes through a ferry leg. Use only if &report = 0


    Routing based on departure time:

    • weight= route type:
      • sptime (quickest, based on departure time)
      • spmoney (quickest, based on departure time and avoiding toll roads)
    • departuretime= departure date and time, in ISO 8601 format. UTC time example:  2019-10-16T07:30:12Z  *Mandatory if using weight=sptime/spmoney.



      <cercalia cmd="route" version="1">
       <route dest="Base1" dist="23.9" id="13174411,13206236,13184886,13672512|0.4314835,1.0,0.94561416,0.65883976" orig="Vehiculo1" time="00:44:16" weight="*">
             <stop by="false" id="o">
                <mo id="Vehiculo1">
                   <coord x="-3.663617189530327" y="40.39047791946798"/>
             <stop by="false" id="1">
                <mo id="Incidencia">
                   <coord x="-3.7228251499066443" y="40.387970785252115"/>
             <stop by="false" id="2">
                <mo id="Taller1">
                   <coord x="-3.698283176344499" y="40.404172767495176"/>
             <stop by="false" id="d">
                <mo id="Base1">
                   <coord x="-3.761398808206737" y="40.33497614352786"/>
             <stage dest="Incidencia" dest_stop_id="0" dist="8.5" orig="Vehiculo1" orig_stop_id="o" time="00:15:23" weight="time"/>
             <stage dest="Taller1" dest_stop_id="0" dist="4.4" orig="Incidencia" orig_stop_id="o" time="00:13:07" weight="time"/>
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    • id= route ID
    • dist= route distance, in km
    • time= route time (HH:MM:SS)
    • realtime= route time, including real time traffic (HH:MM:SS), if iweight=realtime
    • hasferries= informs if the route includes some ferry (only if request includes &iweight=ferry and &report=0)
    • hastolls= informs if the route includes some toll roads (only if request includes &iweight=toll and &report=0)
